A new Board of School Education

We believe that pure materialistic education in schools, without religious education, is incomplete and it does not make the learners as a good human beings. We wish to incorporate religious, ethical and moral education in schools to shape the learners as good and God fearing human beings so that they can feel the pain of others and help them in need.

The idea will be propagated in schools and a new Board of School Education will be established to affiliate such schools. Thus secular education will be accompanied with religious/ traditional educations. The school will adopt the combination using any (Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism etc.) religion/ tradition as per the need & choice of the community.

About Board of School Education

Composite Teaching Methodology

Engaging with educational experts, we have uncovered what the most fundamental tools are for trainee teachers using the dual education system incorporating the religious/traditional education with secular education. The well researched Composite Methodology System will be used for this purpose.

Need of local communities

Overcoming the main enduring barriers to dual education system, as well as the most essential requirements to childhood development is at the core of our mission here.


By listening, engaging, and understanding exactly what is needed by the communities to empower educators in schools, we shall be able to equip to train the students with the necessary skills, including the technology and course material, in the class rooms. They will be Good citizen, Patriot, God fearing, Tolerant, Accommodative, Loving, Caring , multilingual and Visionary Leaders of the society who can make the country as word leader.


Let us join hands to establish such schools and a New Board of Education. Its model is given below:

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”

– Aesop