Environmental Awareness & Education

Our aim is to work for environmental literacy which can be externalized to achieve changes in human-friendly environmental behaviour. Thus the environmental literacy of the entire population can be strengthened, we can work together to form environmental cohesion, cultivate modern social citizens, generate environmental collective consciousness and awareness, and then based on the eternal belief in natural decision-making and environmental protection.

Aim of the project

Environmental Literacy

Environmental literacy is an abstract concept and a subjective imagination. We see that this chapter discusses environmental education learning motivations, awareness and sensitivity, values and attitudes, mobilization skills, mobilization experience, environmental behaviour, and aesthetic literacy in the cultivation of literacy. The above connotations of environmental literacy all need to construct the inherent goodness of human beings. We particularly hope that environmental literacy can be externalized to achieve changes in human-friendly environmental behaviour. In other words, if the environmental literacy of the entire population can be strengthened, we can work together to form environmental cohesion, cultivate modern social citizens, generate environmental collective consciousness and awareness, and then based on the eternal belief in natural decision-making and environmental protection. This could promote a comfortable space and a clean home for sustainable development. Therefore, from the process that human beings can perceive and understand the environment, we have experienced the awareness of environmental changes. We need to improve environmental literacy to form the transformation of the collective human consciousness structure, so as to be aware of the external environment, that is the learning process. If, literacy is the overall effect of a learning process, then our final collective environmental consciousness will change from thought to proper behaviour. These changes will affect the stage tasks of sustainable development. Then, based on empathy and awareness of all things, we should realize the sense of responsibility and eternal value as human beings, protect nature, and accept the challenges of future environmental changes.

Environmental education is aimed at producing a citizenry that is knowledgeable on the biological, physical, economic, and social issues that are created and/or associated with environmental problems and how the people can be motivated to minimize or mitigate for these issues by implementing environmentally friendly and sustainable solutions.

Environmental Literacy is having the knowledge, skills and dispositions to solve problems and resolve issues individually and collectively that sustain ecological, economic and social stability. Within this model, five essential components of environmental literacy are outlined: Awareness, Knowledge, Attitudes, Skills, and Action. This model is “designed as a loose hierarchy from the simple to the more complex, each building on the step below. However, as with many models, the steps overlap in real life. Nonetheless it ultimately defines environmental literacy as “A person's environmental sensitivity, knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, personal investment, responsibility, and active involvement”.

An Environmental Literacy Plan (ELP) refers to a state education plan to teach about how ecosystems and human systems are interdependent, particularly, how the consumption choices human beings make alter their ability to live sustainably.

Environmental literacy is an abstract concept and a subjective imagination. We see that this chapter discusses environmental education learning motivations, awareness and sensitivity, values and attitudes, mobilization skills, mobilization experience, environmental behaviour, and aesthetic literacy in the cultivation of literacy. The above connotations of environmental literacy all need to construct the inherent goodness of human beings. We particularly hope that environmental literacy can be externalized to achieve changes in human-friendly environmental behaviour. In other words, if the environmental literacy of the entire population can be strengthened, we can work together to form environmental cohesion, cultivate modern social citizens, generate environmental collective consciousness and awareness, and then based on the eternal belief in natural decision-making and environmental protection. This could promote a comfortable space and a clean home for sustainable development. Therefore, from the process that human beings can perceive and understand the environment, we have experienced the awareness of environmental changes. We need to improve environmental literacy to form the transformation of the collective human consciousness structure, so as to be aware of the external environment, that is the learning process. If, literacy is the overall effect of a learning process, then our final collective environmental consciousness will change from thought to proper behaviour. These changes will affect the stage tasks of sustainable development. Then, based on empathy and awareness of all things, we should realize the sense of responsibility and eternal value as human beings, protect nature, and accept the challenges of future environmental changes.

Environmental literacy is an individual’s skills, understanding, and motivation to make conscious decisions that consider their relationship to the natural environment, systems, communities, and future generations. Environmental literacy is the expected outcome of ecological education which attempts to provide students or learners with proper scientific details, skills for critical thinking, strategic and creative problem-solving, and good decision-making.

According to the National Science Foundation’s Advisory Committee for Environmental Research and Education, creating scientifically informed citizens require a collective and systematic approach to environmental education.

Today it is necessary to highlight the importance of environmental literacy. Our environment has never been so exploited and damaged as it is today. Humans extract approximately 55 billion tons of fossil fuels, metals, minerals, and other natural resources each year. Every year around 1,692 acres of land turns into desert.

Today, pretty much everyone is aware of the term’s climate change and global warming and what they are. However, not many are aware of the magnitude of this problem. Several people, especially urban citizens, do not understand the importance of the environment for survival. People do not respect and value nature; they take it for granted.

What is the Importance of Environmental Literacy in Society Today?

The first Earth Day on 22nd April 1970 marked the beginning of widespread environmental awareness. Since then, humans have tried to understand the planet and its ecosystems better. Countries have signed several international treaties governing climate change, protecting the ozone layer, biodiversity conservation, preventing desertification, and various other forms of pollution.

However, the degradation of the environment continues year after year, with countries failing to keep their promises and fulfil their duties. Environmental literacy in society is essential as today’s young generation will have to implement the above agreements and form new ones for increasing ecological issues.

The future generation will struggle a lot more than the previous ones. The planet will need to accommodate a population of 9 billion by 2050, all trying to share the available natural resources needed to achieve 9 billion different dreams.

Environmental education today is essential to ensure the continuous progress and survival of the human population. Other kinds of literacy provide access to participation and decision-making in a democracy. Similarly, ecological and climate literacy is also necessary for carrying out action for a just and sustainable world.

Environmental literacy involves interactive learning that can spark creativity and imagination among learners. It enables learners to draw connections and apply their learnings in the real world, which can highly benefit future generations. Environmental literacy motivates learners to study, investigate, and research because certain things happen and make decisions about ecological issues.

Environmental literacy enables people to understand how their actions affect the environment and also builds the knowledge and skills required to address complex ecological issues. Exposing people to nature and allowing them to learn from it creates sensitivity, respect, and appreciation for the environment, which is needed amid a growing environmental crisis.

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”

– Aesop